Your Rabbit Supply Headquarters

February 20, 2022
Your Rabbit Supply Headquarters

Rabbit feed comes in a variety of sizes to match any bunny owner's needs, 5#, 10#, 25# and 50#. Spike's carries Forti-Diet, Small World, ADM, and Nature's Organics rabbit feed. Bedding includes Aspen, Pine, Cedar and Clean & Cozy paper bedding with lavender flakes. Healthy World Pet Deodorizer will help keep the ammonia odor under control. 

Timothy hay comes in a variety of sizes, with or without carrots. Timothy Bites are timothy hay cubes to be used as a treat or as the rabbit's hay diet.

Water bottles come in 16 ounce and 32 ounce. Happy Hen Coop Cups come in 3 pack & will hang on any wire cage to use as a feeder. We also have wire hay feeders for rabbits. Salt wheels, Apple Chew Sticks and Edible Logs are also available. Spikes carries a variety of treats for your bunny including Timothy Bites, Krunch-a-Rounds and Honey Sticks.
